Cluster by Henry Caird from new zealand
designer's own words:
Cluster aims to encourage playful interactions with light through its modular form and manipulation of light. Cluster is showcased as a sculptural object in the home. Each component transfers current to the next as the magnetic faces touch.The user is able to create unique shapes and control the scale of their light.
The centrepiece is the heart of the design, connecting the pipes and faces together. Wires run through the pipes, allowing the electronics to be linked from one end to the other. Each pipe is friction fitted to the centre. Cluster is manufactured through plastic injection moulding. Materials consist of ABS plastic, neodymium magnets and PCB boards with surface mount LED’s and resistors. Cluster was prototyped using an UP 3D printer to create the shell and a PCB milling machine to create the internal electronics.
Custer: Hero Shot
Custer: Desk Lamp
Custer: Exploded Detail Shot
Custer: Exploded View
Custer: 3D Printed Prototype
Custer: Prototype