Cloche Clock

Cloche Clock by BENJAMIN XUE from singapore

designer's own words:

Cloche Clock
Anticipate your temptation

Do you have the will power to practise self-control? Are you able to resist a box of your favourite chocolate? Can you part from your smart phone for even a minute? Are you able to delay your gratification?

Neither do I. We, as humans, are eager to fulfil our desires and thus caves into our temptations without even batting an eyelid. We now live in an ever-increasing pace of society and enjoy fast connectivity with no physical boundary. In the process, we have grown increasingly impatient and acquired an insatiable desire to be in a constant state of satisfaction/entertained at every moment.

Anticipation forms when we are eager for the predictable future to happen but it is currently out-of-reach to us. This led me to the thinking of ‘how can we use anticipation to curb our temptation’ and ‘can we emerge victorious in our own mind games of procrastination’. The design outcome is Cloche Clock – a glass container that is not only able to contain objects in it, but is also capable to contain our temptation.

Cloche Clock has 4 main components – The base, glass cover, sealer, and a timer. Cloche Clock works by allowing the user to place an item of irresistible nature into it and lock it up with the sealer. The sealer will remove some of the air encapsulated by the base and the glass cover; this forms an airtight seal that cannot be opened easily. The user would set an undesirable amount of time onto the timer and place it onto the glass cover. The timer works like a kitchen timer and comes in 3 different time scales – minutes, hours and days. When the timer counter reaches zero, the pressure will be neutralised, allowing the user to open the glass cover and retrieve the item inside.

When the item is sealed inside Cloche Clock, the user is only able to see the item but not reach for it – effectively containing the temptation. Anticipate your temptation and manage it well with Cloche Clock.

Alright, just 3 more minutes and I can reach for my tub of ice cream again!

Cloche Clock | Concept Sketch
Cloche Clock
Cloche Clock | Anticipate your temptation
Cloche Clock
Cloche Clock | Keep your temptations at bay with Cloche Clock
Cloche Clock
Cloche Clock | Pick your timer and set an undesirable time on it
Cloche Clock
Cloche Clock | General information about Cloche Clock
Cloche Clock
Cloche Clock | Owner’s manual on how to use Cloche Clock