cityzen by timofey from russia
designer's own words:
In the conceptional core of CityZen furniture line there are ultimate laconism and ecological compatibility. It is a result of analysis and reflections of some years on the idea of integration of natural materials into the urban environment. This collection is exclusive, and it was specially designed for a new café that has been recently opened in the center of Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Unfortunately the dynamics of life in a megalopolis so rarely give a chance to get out to the countryside. That’s why the author paid a great attention to tactile communication. CityZen furniture line offers you an opportunity to forget for a while about the buzz of everyday life.
The tactile tables are filled with different natural elements. There are a lot of loose fillings. It gives a great pleasure of touching, fingering and recognizing them over and over again. When the guests decide what table to sit at, they choose at the same the sensation of that place where they want to get to. In addition they can take away a precious keepsake as we do in the park when we take home a bunch of fall leaves, a twig that has attracted our attention by its unusual curve, or some hats from acorns.
The Bay Table murmurs with pebbles and pieces of dry rush. The Beach Table is filled with seashells. And the Pine-tree Table is decorated with aromatic pinecones. Thanks to the upholstery of the sofas the guests can imagine that they sit on either warm moss or fresh young grass, and so way becoming one step closer to the fascination of the Nature.
The harmony that we can deeply feel in the forest became a rich source of inspiration for creating this collection. Sometimes however we don’t pay due attention to the beauty of the forest because it is so natural for us. Therefore the author wanted to create a special environment in the café in order to transform the usual ‘forest palette’ into the art object, and so way to change the perception and significance of the Nature in our life.
The sides of the furniture are made from plywood, and they are accurate to within 1mm thanks to the laser cutting. Golden, beige and caramel tints of the wooden materials fill the collection with soft and warm light, that the citizens of megacities need sometimes so badly especially when the weather is cloudy and rainy for a long time.
Part of the furniture set. Studio photographyCityZen in Interiour (round, rectangular,square table, sofa,racks, tactile boxes with plants) Central table has a round window for observation of the stone garden
CityZen in Interiour (bar chairs and tactile bar with coffee beans inside and a table with sea pebble near waterfall with built in book rack)
Technology of a fastening of all details without the uniform screw
View on the tactile table with beans
One of the table names. Each table of all 13 tables of collection has its unique name and fill (beans,nuts, sea,cones and so on)