city of nature

city of nature by daeku kim from korea

designer's own words:


a flowerpot always gives fresh-air to human being.
I think it starts with green.
as we we grow lots of flowers and trees in this
world, our plannet will refresh.

so, my design is about people are living in green life, no matter how old you are.
it covers everybody.

so, i might call it HUMAN TREE.

(2) ECON as a IIDA Character

I made it as a vintage logo.
the reason I made this back in early 70's in our life, we didn't have to worry about these green project stuff like this.
I want to go back to where we started with fresh air and lots of trees, leaves, fresh water.
that's why I call this small guy named ECON.
he's leaf.

all works done by adobe illustrator CS3.

City of Nature

econ_character.gif Econ