City line

City line by Jelena Bojović from serbia

designer's own words:

The main idea behind the given proposal for LED lightening solution was to include it into urban lifestyle as a passive but useful part of the city and as a friendly line that will guide, follow and represent support for people through their daily activities.
City line is designed to be used equaly during the day and the night, as well as it can have many different roles in the exterior.Depending on the space, purpose and location, City line can be placed as a bench in the parks, it can be a bus stop, lightening in the private areas, as a street light and many other options.Likewise,it can function as individual single line but at the same time as a groupe, according to the needs of location.
Design of proposed idea is simple, minimalistic and meant for modern cities, therefore the form of the City line is designed to be adaptable and easy to produce. Materials that would be used are metal and LED (protected with glass or plastic). There is also option that instead of it, can be applicable perforated steel or even wood if it is more appropriate for surrounding.

City line_model in enviroment
City line
City line_example of usage
City line
City line_front and back view
City line
City line_close-up
City line
City line_measures