checkmate by sophie valerie birkmayer from austria
designer's own words:
the checkmate tile system has been designed for maximum flexibilty, a broad variety of crystals can be used. not only does it form a perfect platform, for a very decorative use of STRASS swarovski crystal but also a functional one. the ceramic tile has a grid system 16 inlets of 40mm diameter, into which idealy flatbacked components can be glued. For using more decorative crystals there is a ceramic plug with a small hook from which they can be suspended. if the tiles are backed with a heating film, the grid acts as a visual guide of heating elements. the crystals act as heating elements, by emiting more heat due to more surface structure. The once dull and flat tiles now not only have a new emotional effect of sparkles in the environment, but also have a function on the wall tile. in sum the checkmate presents a real luxury item for the 21st century.
some pattern samples