cardboard replica by fraenzel tobias from germany
designer's own words:
The Car Replica is made of cut and folded heavy duty corrugated cardboard (including the base), printed waterproof plastic film and industrial cart wheels .
The wheels work just like usual cart wheels: while the back wheels revolve, the front wheels keep going straight. All of them are hidden behind the fakes. Both, trunk and hood, can be flipped open by a simple strap hinge in order to store large amounts of material or access the box.
While providing no less room for living needed, these Cardboard Replicas might even give a little taste of the american dream.
Tony must be completely out of his mind pushing his 1957 Style Chevrolet Caprice Wagon right through the inner city.
His friends are still sleeping, not aware of tony who ripped off all their goods, taking it to the worst dealer in town.
Franky and Joe don´t even give a damn. Their trunks are filled with cool beer and some hot dogs. Let´s see what the day brings!