caracolito by ivan longhini from argentina
designer's own words:
It has been difficult for me to take decisions of design for the homeless recollectors of canisters of aluminum and pasteboard.
In Argentina, the people who realizes this work, after unloading the material return to his houses located in the periphery of the city, and they have adapted the form of compilation as a worth source of income in our depressed economy.
On the other hand, the people in situation of street, homeless ó "linyeras" it calls them him here, in general they do not gather materials reciclables for his subsistence, but they beg for meal and money, then to sleep under the bridges or the thresholds of the houses.
An interesting precedent is that of the street publications that sold by the linyeras provide them with a fluid source of income (to see http: // www.hechoenbsas.com/).
For the project, I decided to use the traditional language of the carts of supermarket, adopting solutions and technologies easily applicable to a series of production of 100 units.
The resultant product is a cart that type extends for mutate in a space-like tent, covered by a skin of elastic, fireproof and impermeable cloth, which provides an outlying and sure space for the user (who rests in a hammock that separates it from the flat) and his belongings. Under the plane of rest, there is located a trunk, which provides support in meals and other activities, at the time that it contains the personal equipment of the user, waters down, first-aid kit and safe. Of this trunk they are projected, on the one hand a toilet that accepts bags of supermarket for the discarding of the feces, and for other a washbasin that serves for the basic higienización of the proprietor of the set. The product is solved by pipes of steel and you roll Standard, complemented by ties and grips molded in aluminum. The biggest difficulty for the achievement resides in the technology and services that there must have the textile skin that the refuge covers in situation of rest.
In the conception of the object I have given priority to the functionality and resistance of the product, in detriment of the aesthetics, making open the possibility of customization of the cart on the part of the user.
I apologize for my deficient writing in English language, and hope that this work should serve as a minimal contribution to the complex reality of the people in situation of street.
Ivan Longhini
Industrial designer