Cap Sterilizer

Cap Sterilizer by choiseunghyun from korea

designer's own words:

The strong point of a PET bottle is that it is recyclable.

However, other substances are put into the bottle without sterilizing inside the bottle in many cases.
It results in the danger of growing many different viruses and germs and can be critical risks to the health of people.

The cap sterilizer is designed to remove the germs inside the PET bottle to reuse it safely

40,000 germs multiply fast in a PET bottle after a day.

Fix the cap sterilizer and start sterilization before reusing the PET bottle.

Introduce to Cap Sterilizer
Cap Sterilizer
The problem of recycle PET & How to use Cap Sterilizer
Cap Sterilizer
The Structure of Cap Sterilizer
Cap Sterilizer
The availability of Cap Sterilizer