Burr light by 岩元航大 from japan
designer's own words:
Developing of led light made lighting objects smaller and smaller, and it made a range of designing expression wider.
Burr refers to seed which sticks to our cloth.
It is a household lighting that you can change the position and angle of the light much easier than existing lighting.
It gives a various way of using to customers.
Lighting body is sticked to a metal stand by doughnut-shaped neodymiun magnet, which is attached behind of the body.
As for existing led lighting, the body of it ends up becoming heavy and thick because of a heat-sink, power-cord and other required parts. Therefore, magnet was unsuitable material so far for mounting a lighting since there is a risk of falling-down the light.
However, as for Burr Light, it's light enough to mount strongly by general neodymiun magnet.
Since you could store an excess power-cord to the slit of the body, it prevents your hand from being caught by the cord.
The cable is tightly sandwiched by rubber sheets which are placed on the surface of the slit, and it minimizes the risk that the body is accidentally removed and fallen to a ground.
front view of Burr Light, Stand type
front view of Burr Light, Ceiling type
Detail of Burr Light1
Exploded View
Detail of Burr Light2