bubble gum

bubble gum by bernardo eckhardt from brazil

designer's own words:

I have bought all kinds of bubble gum I had found – gladdening, fun, with different shapes and colors. My tongue is now “red” as a result of my chewing them so much… thinking about this! When the adolescent world comes to mind, so does the idea of the bubble gum! This is the inspirational world on which my furniture design is based – modularity, color, flexible and fluffy materials contrasting with metal and plastic (just like the chewing gum in its packaging). A game-like system which communicates and interacts with “the guys” (boys and girls) when it comes to listening to music, exchanging ideas with friends, or even relaxing or staying by oneself, and also watching a film or having a beer – oops! – a softdrink! I also think these furniture items could come with stickers and removable tattoos, and they could also have a black version for the rockers. What do you think?

