Brum Brum

Brum Brum by Martins from latvia

designer's own words:

The Brum Brum project started about one and a half year ago when group of friends (lawyers, architect, chemist, video editor, stage designer, carpenter, financier) came together to create something for their kids and at the same time have a lot of fun. As parents we saw that this field of children bikes lacks some fresh and quality ideas so we evaluated our position and realised that we are living in the country that produces one of the best plywood in the world. We wanted to make as simple balance bike as possible so we got rid of all the screws leaving only one to keep all the parts together and four small screws for adjusting the hight. Each part is specially made for Brum Brum. Our fingersafe weels and height adjusting sleeves are made of aluminium by specialist who makes sledges for our olympic skeleton team. Tubeless tires and handles are made in same factory so we can keep our high quality standarts. Frame and all wooden parts are made in Kvist industries who has more than 100 years experience in wood crafting. Brum Brum is high quality functional eco-design which gives children completely new riding experience. Frame's natural suspension safeguards kid's spine from shock when going on rough terrain. To sum it up Brum Brum is light, good looking, easy to use and assemble, safe and made with lot of love.

Unique functional design for kids.
Brum Brum
It’s light and easy to carry even for our young riders

Brum Brum
Frame’s natural suspension qualities allows to go offroad without worries
Brum Brum
All the materials and the simplicity of Brum Brum gives freedom to explore the nature
Brum Brum
It doesn’t matter where your kids go with Brum Brum it’s the feeling they get