
branch by petar trklja from serbia

designer's own words:

in the handle project BRANCH the aim was to separate the two axises which form the handle. these are the cylinder connecting the handle to the door and the handle which resembles a tree branch.
the branch/handle flows freely following a curving path having a smoothly rounded bend. the thumb rests upon the cut circular cross-section surface where the branch curves outwards. this cut surface coheres two following functions: usage, by adjusting the handle to the thumb, and dynamic of composition, by correlating two circular shapes, the cut circular cross-section and the door mask of the handle. this concept stresses the impression of autonomy of the branch/handle from the cylindrical axis thus distinguishing its sculptural value. the shape of the handle flows smoothly from a circular cross-section out towards an elliptical cross-section.
the shape of the handle is therefore seen as the natural shape made by the grip of the hand, autonomous flow of a tree branch and furthermore as an independent sculpture.

Branch draw

branch_persective_1.jpg Branch perspective 1

branch_persective_2.jpg Branch perspective 2

branch_persective_3.jpg Branch perspective 3

branch_top.jpg Branch top

branch_front.jpg Branch tront