bolus 06

bolus 06 by goemann dennis from germany

designer's own words:

"Bolus", the Oval Lamp was developed particularly, to achieve optimal illumination of merchandise in sales areas with high ceilings.
The goal was to create an appealing alternative to commercially available spotlight systems. The lamp is made of 5 mm thick, white high gloss polished Corian, levelled on the upper and lower side. For the illumination of merchandise three gimbal-mounted down lights with 20W CDMT each are installed to the lower side. Inside the fixtures body fluorescent tubes provide a pleasant basic and indirect illumination to the area. Both lighting systems can be switched independently. All supply lines run inside the suspension wires.
The lamp corpus can be built to hold any commercial down light. Alternatively, coloured light, e.g. a LED colour scroller, can be installed.
The large bandwidths of Corian colours as well as the distinct selection of lamp types provide an individual and flexible illumination system, even for projects with a reduced amount of fixtures.

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