BMS by Lois M Kim from usa

designer's own words:

Every curiosity begins from our brain. When a question or an idea triggers into our head, our brain immediately activates. Neurons carry out the informations to our brain and send out signals. This lead me to think what our brain might look like if we were to view it in a design sense. With this idea of innovation, I rebranded a BMS (Brain, Music and Science) Research Center to an ecstatic level.
I was inspired by brain waves and neurons. Materials used for this project was MDF wood and nylon strings. Nylon strings were used to replicate what neurons look like and MDF boards were cut out representing a form of our brain waves. There are total of two boards; top and bottom. Each board has a different wave structure at the edge of it to show different brain waves. Nylon strings were stitched onto the edges of the boards to create a wave-like form along the structure. Then the animated BMS logo is projected onto the string which gave the saturated and active vibe of our neurons. Spacial installation was executed to show the visualization of how our brain solves the problem.

This is a BMS Spacial Installation inspired by brain neurons. Particles come together to form the letters “BMS.”
When brain is activated, neurons react and send signals. This is how I envision what it would be like to be inside a brain.
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″ html5_file=”″ download_file=”″]

This is a triptych poster of BMS. Lines were inspired by brain waves and particles are derived from neurons to form the letters “BMS.”
This macro shot of BMS poster series shows the detail of particles and wave-like forms which reflect neurons and brain waves.