Blue Blood

Blue Blood by m.farshad from iran

designer's own words:

Blue Blood
Now a day we all turned to be just consumers and because of that our natural resources are becoming more and more important. Our lives are completely depended on these natural resources and the way we use them (resources like gas, petrol…). The most important source that we have is our water resource. Modern human caused so many damages such as global warming, by his interference in nature and polluting the environment.
The rain amount is decreasing continually. Most of our portable water resources such as rivers, lakes… are running out. Scientists believe that water is more essential than energy, a man can live weeks without food but he can only live few days without water. Lack of water can cause physical and mental disorders. More than 75 percentage of our body is water. All fauna like animals and plants need water in order to live and grow.
Today world is facing a serious water shortage and if we do not do anything about it, in early future our water resources will completely run out. The designer's goal was to build a culture in order to use water in a correct way and also as a daily reminder for its importance. It is our duty to teach the next generation the correct way of using this natural resource and we also wanted to show the amount of damage we may cause to others.
Considering this goal we designed a new digital water meter that has a different scale! Water meters that already exist in the market have two general kinds of measurement. One of them gives you the amount of water that you consumed on the scale of liter or gallon and the second type gives you the amount on the scale of money. We decided to use a new, different standard which is people's lives. This standard is to show the importance of consuming water in the best possible way. By using this new scale everyone can understand how many lives could be saved by the amount of water that is consumed. Every normal, healthy person need at least 3 liters a day to stay alive. Now, imagine that how important could it be in some countries that are facing severe lack of water and shortage of food. We wanted to design a device (a digital water meter) that could be easy to understand for kids because in order to build a correct culture we need to educate our children. The exterior look of this design is similar to a driblet. It has an application that by selecting your living area it will get all the standards that are set for that area (for example it will get the amount of water you are allowed to use for taking a shower in your country). Until you don't pass the standards our water meter has its blue light on and whenever you pass the standards it will turn to red!
In every corner of the world red color means danger but when we chose this color to show a drop of blood. Red is the color of blood and the red light when we pass the standards will show that we are risking other people's lives. This design shows the amount of lives we may save and also the number of lives we may risk (For example, if we only use half of the water that standards said is allowed for taking a shower, this water meter will show the number of lives we have saved by saving half of the amount we were allowed to use and if we pass the standards, the water meter will show us how many lives we may put in danger by our extra use).
This digital water meter is named Blue Blood to show the importance of water in an appropriate way.

Blue Blood (digital water meter)
Blue Blood
Blue Blood description

Blue Blood
Blue Blood real size