Blow- The breathing Lamp

Blow- The breathing Lamp by Aditijha from india

designer's own words:

Blow, is a lamp which is a flat pack concept, using a sandwiched layer of Tyvek that offers strength, old strip of Kimono fabric and Edo Kimono template which allows the user to pluck off parts from the lamp and create a design by themselves. The major reason to attach a Kimono to the lamp is that the light energy touches the old spirit of the kimono fabric which Japanese tend to pass on so it has sentiments attached to it, and also the design and pattern from the old motif of Tatewaku and Kiku symbolizes rejuvenation. Since this lamp tends to energize a person , breathing is an action to calm down so blowing in the lamp and with it lighting up by blowing in it creates a positive effect. The circuit that is strategically placed inside the walls of the lamp completes once the lamp is blown due to the inflation of the structure. With the pssibility of lamination of materials together , one can fuze the three different materials used in a lamp. 1) Tyvek 2) old kimono strip 3) Edo kimono template which is a beautiful template.

Brief and requirement for project
Blow- The breathing Lamp

Blow- The breathing Lamp
Chosen concept and basic material used
Blow- The breathing Lamp
how to use the product
Blow- The breathing Lamp
Graphic interpretation of the product

Blow- The breathing Lamp
visualisation of its use