
Blindsight by Jad Ismail from usa

designer's own words:

By adapting sonar pre-collision technology prevalent in vehicular design to the human scale, we propose an alternative to the typical walking stick for the visually impaired. The Blindsight eyewear and wristband use sonar waves to signal the user of upcoming and approaching obstacles in their path. This way, the user is able to anticipate obstacles in his/her course effortlessly. The system works in three simple steps:

Sensors placed on the front, sides, and back of Blindsight Eyewear emit sonar waves to warn the user of upcoming or approaching obstacles in their path. These sensors have an adjustable range which allow the user to switch between long and short distances, ideal for indoor or outdoor wear. As sonar waves hit obstacles and reflect back to the user, sensors in the eyewear pick up on the location and proximity of these obstacles. This information then alert sensors in the wristband via bluetooth.

Once the sonar waves emitting from the eyewear project onto an approaching obstacle, sonar waves reflect off of the obstacle and this information is detected on the eyewear. The directionality and speed of this information is then sent to the wristband via bluetooth.

The four sensors on the wristband then alert the user of where obstacles are in relation to them, whether that’s in front or behind them, or on their left or right sides. Through signal vibrations and intensity, the user is able to understand the proximity and location of upcoming obstacles and properly move around them. The wristband will continue to vibrate until the user has successfully passed the obstacle and his/her path is clear.

Blindsight: Concept
Blindsight: Kit of Parts

Blindsight: How It Works