Black, white and fantasy

Black, white and fantasy by francesco amorosino from italy

designer's own words:

it's a couple of years i'm using moleskine's litte books to collect ideas and thoughts, expecially little poems with drawings all around. it gives me the sensation of be totally free but at the same time it givem me the perfect frame to host my creativity. i wanted to bring this idea also in my proposal for the logos for the moleskinerie competition. all the three logos starts from the classical moleskine one. in the first one, 'white', a lots of different, unusual or familiar signs and icons gather in a great chaos, but from the white spaces beetween them the work 'moleskinerie' comes out. in the second logo are the drawings themselves to form the word 'moleskinerie', while the last logo takes the classical moleskine logo and it adds just few strange elements to make it funny and alive. all the logos are handmade because that's what i love of moleskine: just white paper, black ink and fantasy and everything is possible.

Moleskinerie – White

moleskinerie__amorosino__black__low_res.jpg Moleskinerie – Black

moleskinerie__amorosino__fantasy__low_res.jpg Moleskinerie – Fantasy