black box by Decusara Marius from romania
designer's own words:
Whenever I think of teenagers, I imediatly think of computers and how they become a biger part in our lives every day. This is the BLACK BOX. It contains everything that a teenager would need to ocupy his time. It can be used to study, relax or spend time with friends. This particular item of furniture is very small in size ,very useful and, with it's touchscreen, it becomes very easy to use. Opening the BLACK BOX means entering a teenager's universe. It is made of fibreglass, mainly for aspect (it is always laminated), and a light steel structure, for resistence and rigidity. It is ideal for studying and surfing the net; just pull out the chair and begin. Also, playing music or watching videos is made easy by useing the highly mobile built-in touchscreen (the sound is provided by a 4+1 speaker surround system). The only warning it has is that you might grow to rely entierly on it...
Main concept