
Binomio by marco eba ghisalberti from italy

designer's own words:

this handle, named binomio was born by the will to explore the sensorial relation between man and product. the focus point of this project is to provide a double sensation while using the handle, trough the combination between the soft and warm sensation of the rubber and the cold and hard feeling of metal. otherwise the soft touch provided by rubber in the upper and inner part of the handle assure a comfortable use, following the direction of the pressure used for moving the handle itself.

the formal result that came out from this functional research, is satisfying for me because the handle looks fresh and different from the existent panorama, and the border line that marks the division between the two materials put in evidence the profile of the handle. the rubber half otherwise can be proposed in a wide chromatic range. for the main view I choose the same red that characterize the company’s logo.

the handle

binomiob.jpg left / right version, colors

binomioc.jpg technical sheet