bike with wooden parts by dunker achim from germany
designer's own words:
How to create a designer cycle from old, used bike parts
A bicycle is not just a means to get from here to there. It’s also an expression of an independent, environmentally-conscious way of life. This
feeling is particularly pronounced if the bicycle in question is an extraordinary one, largely built by oneself - and of course at little cost. So how can this be achieved?
The design
The bicycle is reduced to a minimum, to its basic functions - single speed, brakes, bell, battery-light, no frills! All components are second hand or sourced from the scrapyard. The bicycle frame is painted dark grey and the flat parts just polished up a little. By concentrating only on what is really needed and playing down potential competing design elements, the light-coloured wooden parts, handlebars and fenders shine out all the more and give the bicycle its intense design character. This model displays a combination of ash and mahogany woods. The solid wood is multiple-glued and strengthened with glass fibre. A real eye-catcher!
The Project
This is a non-commercial project aimed at reducing youth unemployment and increasing environmental sustainability. Young people, many from deprived areas, learn to assemble bicycles and to produce the wooden parts. By the end of the project, the participants have learnt how to build bicycles and may then go on to build and sell them.
Head of the project
Achim Dunker is a film director and bicycle builder. He is 54 years old and lives in Köln (Cologne) in Germany.