bike communism by hanjoong kim from korea
designer's own words:
Bike communism (public bike rental system) /////
Sleeping bikes _ abandoned bikes ///
In Korea, every 2households has 1bike. It means Korean has over 8,000,000 bikes.
But the rate of biker is only 3% sector among the entire traffic.
Then where are those 8,000,000 bikes? /////
Restoration _ bringing up bike mechanics ///
The sleeping bikes are re-combinated by bike mechanics volunteer.
The mechanics are brung up by the process of recombination.
Bringing up bike mecahnics is very important to take root of dynamic bike culture and promote bike industry. /////
Green bike _ a bike pool city ///
To gather public bikes, we can use two methods.
Picking up abandoned bikes in street and donating sleeping bikes to citizen’s storage.
Then, in the city fulfilled with bikes, bikes are everywhere you go and all the bikes are yours.
It’s bike communism.
bike communism
rental system