bike & breathe cycling

bike & breathe cycling by anastasija mass from latvia

designer's own words:

Bike & Breathe cycling mask for nice image and good health. Basically it is a nice high quality scarf that is attachable to a mask for filtering polluted air. A person who wares this scarf looks fashionable and breathes clean air while cycling in polluted cities.

The product consists of two parts:
> a mask - made from filter fabric, that is cleanable;
> a scarf - made from 4 season merino wool fabric, silk or cotton.

Both parts would be possible to buy separately for two different prices as a person would need to change mask from time to time. The scarf would be available in different colors with or without pattern. Both - colors and the pattern was created and selected specially for the scarf based on a research of nowadays cycling culture. This product fits both dominating styles - contemporary and vintage.

the mask and the scarf

copy_11_0003.jpg when not used, a mask with a scarf both are simply pulled down under a chin
