big boo

big boo by David Osmar Aranda de la Rosa from mexico

designer's own words:

Trash container made of bamboo for small places, it´s configuration allows it be useful in areas in all kind of houses, it will function everywhere, like kitchen, dining room, bedroom and others areas.
Its principal characteristic is that the configuring elements got a specific function that helps in the recollection and contention of garbage.
The helper elements like the collector, brush and its compartment for bio-bags stand out the formal configuration of the total element, this way, the container got all the necessary to do the cleaning in one object. Materials as Ingeo used as a mini wall to contain the brush, and polartec used as a web to contain the bags, are all ecological.
In the interior got 2 holder bags to keep clean the container and makes practical and easier the action of get in or out the bag.
In other words the container whit all elements is a green design because of the fabrication material, resistant material, clean and it doesn’t have to imply deforestation or plastic pollution.

the big boo

copy_1660_2.jpg the views

copy_1415_3.jpg the bags