Beyond the lines

Beyond the lines by adrien diana reizer from hungary

designer's own words:

we meet a lot of door handles during our life when we go inside a home, an office, a shop and also our car has one. in the followings three lines and curves based door-handles and the related keyhole and curtain designs will be presented and everything what is beyond these.

1. nine
the straight line starting from the circle meets with the soft arc forming together the number 9. and what does the number 9 mean? it is the multiplication of the divine three, the symbol of the eternity and perfection. it also has a strange characteristic, namely if you multiple it with any other number and you sum up the digits of the result it will result itself again. the number 9 appears many times in our life we only have to recognize it.
it is scaled to the given measurement. used material: stainless-steel. suggested colors: mat chrome and for the small circle mat black.

2. bow
this door handle was inspired by this citation:

“the destiny is never straight forward it always weaves right and left. goes away, comes back, goes fast, stops quickly – it looks like the whole thing is not going to happen when suddenly something happens after all.” péter müller
it is scaled to the given measurement. used material: stainless-steel. suggested colors: mat chrome.

3. lines

the third door handle extends the space that was defined by the previous designs. the lines are forming an unusual shape. in this case the door handle is not only a part of the door, it perfectly dominates it. there is no any ordinary part on this shape. one of the two separately working handle differs from the horizontal position.
this door handle little bit differs from the standard sizes. the handles are thinner than usual and one of them is longer than the given dimensions. although we believe this unique shape gives inspiration and hope it worth to extend the standard production methods to meet this unique size.
used material: stainless-steel. suggested colors: mat chrome


bow.jpeg bow

lines.jpeg lines