Best Performance Support Wear by ryota from
designer's own words:
Since I have athletic hobby and really like playing sports from a young age, I have been interested in what the human physical ability is.
While I’m searching recent trend about it, I founded out that external factors like long-time deskwork and improperly posture in the overcrowded train cause bad posture for daily life. This is not an exception for athletes. Bad posture is at risk for injury and unbalanced muscle for them.
This background information makes me think that I want to create something helpful for top athletes to make their performance better. Furthermore, I also think not only for sports scene, keeping right posture must be the important factor for comfort daily life. So I began work based on the idea that the wear which supports whole body could be a solution for the problem noted above.
Thinking about that, I was inspired by the idea that current sports training fad “core training” and I tried hard to find the crucial tips for designing which will combine well with this idea. What I found out is Japanese traditional fashion style, “Tasukigake”, “Koshiobi”, “Chidomehimo ”.
Tasukigake is a kind of crossed belt from back to chest which can expect increasing aspiration efficiency and keep back straight. Koshiobi is pelvic girdle that fix pelvis and axis of body. Chidomehimo is the idea to tie the lace below the knee and it is said that we can produce proper balance. I used these three ideas as my design tips and reflected for the work.
To crate the sports wear that gives “natural human right posture”, a lot of sketch work had be done and made many proto sample using paper and tape, which develop a feel for cube representation. I also took still images and moving images of examinee with sample to modify the pattern again and again for the maximum effect.
This product contains rubber band from backside to chest, around your waist, and down to knees, and they are able to adjust to the right posture which improves training effectiveness. I think “Adjusting natural posture” will support adding muscles, and decrease injury. Rubber which is inside of the product, is able to adjust one’s body, and can hold with zipper. This enables to fit more perfectly to one’s body, and effectively achieve your goal. This time, I focused more on bodily movement and “Make it close to the silhouette”. However, I believe this could develop to everyone. Example of suggesting for elderly people, this could support to have better legs and loins which leads to healthy body. I wish spreading this idea, everyone can have a healthy life.
Best Performance Support Wear
Before and After