Bernaerdesign Pure Handle by lennart Bernolet from belgium
designer's own words:
the pure handle concept is a door handle wich can be retrofitted to any type of standard-door, with thicknesses ranging from 25mm to 60mm.
the spindle of the door handle actually consists of two parts, which thightly clamp to the door on both sides (together with the black pom-injected footplates, which have an internal locking mechanism, so one can decide to keep the handle in the downward position) by means of an m4 inbus bolt.
finally the actual handles (powder coated/injection molded aluminium) are mounted with securing screws on the underside of the handles. the handles themselves completely hide the technical parts, leaving the user with a nice mono-form shaped handle.
because of the absence of any extra trim, rings etc.. the handle is easy on the eye, and easy to clean.
to suit the need of (interior) architects at best, the handle would be available in a variety of ral-colours (ex.g. for colour matching with doors and) interiors.) additionally there would be a natural satin alu finish as wel.
Pure handle concept
Pure handle concept components
Pure handle concept
Pure handle overall dimensions
Pure handle comes in many colors