bentglass by from
designer's own words:
This glass was design based on the principles of universal design. Simple and intuitive, its shape is based on the natural form of the hand. The form given to the glass allows for a more comfortable grip lowering the physical effort for grabbing. Bentglass complements well with any tableware, it also becomes the conversation piece at the table because of its unique shape and elegance.
Bentglass would be made by the production process of slip casting. For this process an original form should be created. This form can be created out of a 3D printer or rapid prototyping (in this case a prototype is already made). From this original form a mold is done out of plaster. Once the casting mold is done, the form is taken out and the mold is re assemble then filled with slip (liquid clay). Allow the slip to set until it has reached the desire thickness. Drain the excess slip from the mold and let it dry. After drying carefully open the mold to release the bentglass. Once released is then painted, fired and ready to be use.
detail drawings
drink with comfort