beautiful harmony of human and nature

beautiful harmony of human and nature by JI YOUNG CHOI from korea

designer's own words:

Future is the time respected designer's philosophy for beautiful future and current ideas through Green Design. Green Design gives us aesthetic and ethical feeling. Also it involves social and economical meaning.
Through the illustration I tried to express that coexistence of nature and metropolis makes rational routine continued, people exhibit their beautiful imagination and radical change of society absorbed. Today's environmental problem is main issue of human being. Human life threatened by environmental disruption is very uneasy. But, the human concentrate on destructing nature and constructing high buildings. I want to present that the human can enjoy happy and comfortable life when they protect the nature and live around it and moreover they can keep economical development.
Coexisting and communicating space of human and nature, coexisting world of nature and city, the human communicating with animals and plants, the human feeling and delighting with nature, through all of these, I expressed real happiness, peace and need of raising to Green Design city which realizes continual development of economy. One more message is green peace and green design expansion.

communicating space of human and nature