be mumbai be awesome

be mumbai be awesome by Shivam (S2DM) from india

designer's own words:

Hey Hi, I have included all the details and information about the idea behind the campaign in one of the 6 pieces uploaded above. I would like to share why I went ahead with this campaign. I love Mumbai and everything Mumbai. I truly believe that the city has a personality of its own. The city passes this personality to its citizens and vice versa. These qualities of Mumbai consume anyone who comes here and helps them to push themselves to become more efficient citizens.

The central idea of this campaign is to bring the people of Mumbai closer and to attract new beneficial prospects to the city for a better future.

Campaign Poster, completely Logo centricbe mumbai be awesomeDetails about the campaign and the idea behind mumbai be awesomePoster to illustrate how the logo design can be used to communicate the message of the campaignbe mumbai be awesomeCampaign merchandisebe mumbai be awesomeOutdoor communicationbe mumbai be awesomeCampaign Poster denoting places which are symbolic of Mumbai