Barefoot Shoes

Barefoot Shoes by Yuji113 from japan

designer's own words:

I yearn to life not wearing shoes.
Currently, in everyday life, shoes are essential items. In Japan, it is common to live with bare feet in the room. I love the life of this barefoot. When done in this bare feet of living an outdoor, in other words, if were able to walk through the city barefoot, it is going to be incredibly comfortable. So I propose a new concept shoes, instead of “wear” with a soft silicone “stick to the back of the foot”. Rather than “wear” the shoes are “stuck “.The shoes, it will be able to send a comfortable life than ever.

I think about the future of urban life.
Population in urban areas has been announced from the United Nations can become more than 60 million people in 2045. When it comes to such a state, the future of the city was built buildings than the current situation; also, it might break the nature of the city for that. In other words, residents living in the future of the city believed to be craving the nature more than now. This “Barefoot Shoes " can only protect the soles of the feet from the asphalt, not protect the instep. It stimulates the human instinct, that it is possible to feel more familiar nature (wind, solar, etc.). In the future urban life, you need to “barefoot ".

Barefoot Shoes
Use scene
Barefoot Shoes
How to use