bank vault handle by erick villasmil from el salvador
designer's own words:
This door handle inspired by the style and image of bank vaults provides a robust and strong feeling when handling.
This concept was chosen as it fits perfectly with the idea of security and safety.
When people close a door from the inside, they want to feel that they are safe behind that door. And when they close the same door from the outside, they want to feel that whatever they leave behind them is safe and secure.
Furthermore, the weight and strength of the handle lets people know that they are handling a solid product, but by using the mechanisms determined by the company, the operation of the handle is quiet, soft, and as easy as any.
An added feature of the door handle is the slim metal plate built together in the same piece as the rose. This plate is strategically positioned and helps to protect the door finish from the direct hand contact that occurs on the door, which ends up deteriorating the door in that specific area, especially in high traffic doors.
Additionally, only one handle design is to be manufactured, whether needed to be installed outside or inside, left side or right side, since it is symmetrical along its horizontal axis.