
bambù by glen nutting from usa

designer's own words:

"colombo design . . . dedicated to a discerning quality of design that combines technological innovation with excellence in industrial manufacturing procedures, adopting only eco-compatible processes in every stage of production." (designboom, competition description for colombo design)

this description inspired me to look into eco-compatible/eco-friendly materials to incorporate in the finished handle. bamboo is a naturally occurring, rapid-growth, and abundant material that fit perfectly into this criteria. factor in the natural ergonomics of the bamboo stalk and the design quickly followed.

the initial concept was for bamboo to be the major component of the handle (as seen in the materials options image, lower left). this is a viable option for many interior door usages; however, to accommodate more demanding operations the polished chrome options were developed. i utilized shape cues from the natural bamboo and real bamboo accents to allude to the origin of the design.

standard industry component measurements were used during the process of the design. the rosette has simple, clean styling as to not distract from the handle element. different varieties of bamboo exist in the world and provide different color options, green and beige were highlighted here. the key plate has two finishing options, natural bamboo sectioned to expose the endgrain and a chrome finish that mimics the cellular composition of the endgrain of the bamboo by removing small cavities from the surface.

the underlying purpose of the design is to draw attention to the naturally occurring design elements that exist in nature and show how renewable resources can be incorporated into basic functions of our lives.

bambù cover page

copy_0_doorhandle2_frontviewcomp.jpg bambù front view

copy_0_doorhandle2_sideviewcomp.jpg bambù side view

copy_0_doorhandle2_topviewcomp.jpg bambù top view

copy_0_doorhandlecolorscomp.jpg bambù material options