Bamboo Symphony

Bamboo Symphony by neelam manjunath from india

designer's own words:

development and environment are inextricably linked and must be nourished by a change in the means, the content and the uses of growth. three criteria’s to be necessarily retained are: social justice, ecological prudence and economic efficiency. as the repercussions and downsides of the western culture and architecture are being discovered and the world is turning towards regional technologies - two definite categories of development are emerging -one based on the principle of recycling and the other on the use of natural materials capable of being used without requiring industrial processing. mud and bamboo figure prominently in the second category of development. bamboo is a premiere building material in the new architectural movement with sustainability and integrative approach as its two important criteria. high science and simple technology!
bamboo plays a key role in the lives of 1/5 th of the world population even today. in many places expensive wood, steel, concrete, glass etc have replaced bamboo -labeling it as the 'poor man's material.
special features:-
a zero energy development with a closed loop for the building materials, processes and technologies.
the structure of the building is its most unique feature. it is based on the structure of the fisherman’s net, a structure in synergy, where total load is distributed to the system ,i.e.,to all the bamboo elements. these structures are highly efficient with minimal energy & material usage in nature we find several examples, like cobwebs etc . the reason for their efficiency is homogeneous load distribution , which efficiently leads to global synchronization. interestingly, the tensile strength of spider silk is greater than the same weight of steel and has much greater elasticity, just like bamboo. model of synergetic and tensigrity structures. it has been designed as a hybrid of the two systems and was physically tested before concreting the roof. these types of structures are being made across the world with modern materials with high energy balance. bamboo is the only natural building material with lowest energy balance that can be used for these structures. the columns in bamboo symphony though look haphazardly placed have definite position, size and inclinations, i.e. are structurally relevant, just like the highly evolved technological logic we find in nature!!! the roof was allowed to define its own shape as per the flow of the forces -- naturally, like a fabric assuming it's shape. these structures are highly efficient with minimal
energy & material usage .
extensive rainwater harvesting system with e with 75,000 ltrs sump.
all water bodies created from rain water collection and dewats water treatment.
special water conserving installation and fixtures, recycling and treatment, treated water for flushing, washing, gardening etc.
natural ventilation : 100%
night time ventilation : natural
utilization of building mass as thermal storage as part heat strategy achieved via passive cooling.
solar energy system : for 100% energy requirement with grid connectivity as stand by.
day lighting: approximate percentage area needing artificial light during daylight hours: 0%
the technology of construction with bamboo is the greatest contribution the east and the south can give to the west and the north towards our approach for sustainable architecture and development.

At Dusk

norteast_view.jpg North-West side view

copy_0_dpp_23_copy.gif South-East side view

southside_view.jpg South side View

copy_0_dpp_04_copy.gif Architect’s Cabin

copy_0_dpp_17_copy.gif Conference Room