Balance of Life

Balance of Life by Komal Rangoonwala from india

designer's own words:

Balance of Life -
There is a wide difference between “needs” and “wants”. What you want is not always what you need. And what you need is what you must have, to survive. You can live without what you want. But you cannot live without what you need.
Keeping in mind the theme “anticipation”, I have created a model called the “Balance of Life” which will demonstrate how the elements of “needs” and “wants” plays its role in our life.
The blocks in this model are named and numbered with their respective elements of needs and wants. The elements of “needs” are named, while the elements of “wants” are named as well as numbered. What this model illustrates is that if you take out a block that has an element of “want”, the whole structure of the model remains as it is. But if you take out a block that contains an element of “need”, the whole structure falls apart.
The elements of wants and needs work similarly in life. We can survive if we don’t have what we want. But our whole life falls apart, if we don’t have what we need. This basically suggests that one can live just fine without the things they want, but one cannot live without the things they need. We cannot survive without the basic, primary needs of life. But we can survive without all those things which are not the needs of our life.
I have used blocks of wood and named and numbered them accordingly.
So by this model, we can easily anticipate which elements play what role in our life.
Thank you! :)

Shows the structure of the model “Balance of Life”
Balance of Life
Shows the structure of the model “Balance of Life”
Balance of Life
Shows the structure of the model “Balance of Life”
Balance of Life
Shows the structure of the model “Balance of Life”
Balance of Life
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