B shirt by soon hyung cho from korea
designer's own words:
the door handles are usually remaining unchanged once they are installed for 4 to 5
years. why do we have to use them from the first moment till the end? is there any
way to change the door handles as we would like easily? B-shirt begins with this question.
now, the door handles need fashion, too. with B-shirt, the users may shift the design of the door handles in accordance with the changes of their moods. the concept of the fashion items that could be shifted in order to avoid being tedious is now applied to the door handles.
the suggestion of the replacement types can change the way people look at the door
handles. as a result, a variety of designs will appear in response to the varying desires of the users, and this in turn will lead to creation of a new market. expanding into a new market will also lead to the expansion of the design domain, and it will give birth to a whole new class of occupations, helping the creators make more money. now, the door handles can be shifted to give a new look every day in their colors, shapes, and materials.