b light

b light by yi liu from china

designer's own words:

Birds is our dear friends.In the dark night,they are very likely to bump into electrical wires because of their poor eyesight . This kind of accidents happens frequently especially during their migration period.The worst is that they may die by the binding of the electric wires.Our design is to avoid such tragedy happening.
B-Light can be fixed on the electrical wire where birds may meet through their migration.It send out the light to illuminate the electrical wires,to avoid the brids approaching to the wires careless and the tragedy happen.
The energy of B-Light comes from wind power,it is environment friendly.The source of energy is safe,stable and effective .It is able to feel the changes of light obviously.In the day ,B-Light receives the energy from the wind and stores it,while in the night ,it sends the light and starts its mission.
