B BOOO by mara marchiori from italy
designer's own words:
b-booo is a composable lamp; it’s elements (max 4 modular units and one base), are made with recycled pet from plastic bottles, suitable both for exterior and interior places.
each element is twisted on the next one: the 1st unit to the base, the various units to the next ones, and finally the plastic cap on the top, in order to protect the inside from the rain.
the base is a stone-like printed shape, made of two parts combined with a joint; the lower one is provided with a weight contributing to the balance of the lamp.
the lamp is provided with two rechargeable batteries at low voltage (12 v), for the led units supply.
the plug connected to the batteries, is simplified by use of a female connector, to be joined to the male one placed in the external electrical cable,this one is to be used only when batteries have run out.
led units are put sequentially in-line, using the same male-female principle connectors, and are activated by a crepuscolar sensor placed on the upper part of the base.
looking far, we could think that led stripes are supplied by green-energy of flexible solar-panels.
why b-booo
what b-booo
how b-booo
b-booo in a patio
get back to b-booo roots
b-booo in a swimming pool