As you like it

As you like it by angelo luigi tartaglia from italy

designer's own words:

As expressed in the title, the idea of the project is to create a product that anyone, based on their taste, can use according to their necessities.
This extreme versatile door handle will be able to be incorporated in any expressive need, being that it will be the solution of enigmatic arrangements so that it can appease the enjoyment of the individual.
Therefore, from a compounding geometric element that depicts a double circumference, one that functions as a means to assemble personalized material and the other that establishes a continuous perception of its existence; an object that is able to make expression a concrete matter is proposed.
The door handle is used for doors and furniture. It is made of a steel band that can be assimilated with any material or product: from any kind of wood, lacquering, stone, marble, leather, crystals, colored glass, to luminescent LED lights. To get more creative, and interfere with normality, the door handle can also be put in the oven to create a delicious donut or it can even grow prairie green grass.
Solutions can be infinite: As you like it!


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