
armadillo by pierre-luc beaudry from canada

designer's own words:

The Armadillo is a mobile shelter for the homeless, a cocoon to isolate them from the city and to give
them a brief moment of tranquility, to take a nap, sleep for the night or simply to have some relief from the urban chaos they are confronted with most of the time. A shelter that is easily assembled and disassembled in one simple step. The Armadillo has space for personal belongings and protects from the elements. This lightweight cart is made of waterproof nylon and aluminum tubing. It’s three tires enable it to be used under a variety of climatic conditions. Furthermore, it’s slightly elevated “bed” keeps them safety above the ground
as they sleep, an urban camping-bed to help improve their unfortunate situation.


copy_0_armadillo2.jpg how it works

copy_0_armadillo3.jpg in context