an outdoor play space

an outdoor play space by bosco so from china

designer's own words:

In Out door space, I would like to make more Team-building and social commutation in this space. Also Physical training will be added here. I’ll keep the concept about “Growing” continue. The theme in the outdoor is “Take your Brave during there (marsh)”

Base on this, I would like to use narrow and wide passages with random openings show the details and Natural things. Extraordinarily, use spot lights to highlighted information. Contrast in color tone to creative Kid space and mood. From the starting space is suitable for young children (3-4). And then middle space is mainly for the (5-6). The Level of the game is related more hard. The third area is created for the (7-12). Narrow and wide passages with random openings show the details and Natural things. Furthermore, use spot lights to highlighted information. Contrast in color tone to creative Kid space and mood. To engage in many activities that needs complex coordination of many muscles.

Creating a child's personal space is among the most freeing. It also infuses such elements of fun, fantasy, color and energy into one precious living space. The fleeting nature of childhood somehow releases our inhibitions and allows us to create whimsical and functional spaces that we will remember for a lifetime. Approach to the child's space .A little child like thinking will lead to a unique space.

Access / circulation connection to space: From the indoor space there have 3 of exit. The relationship of 2 spaces is like from the forest (Tree root) to get connect with outdoor space.

isometric view

p7.jpg mouth entrance

copy_0_p8.jpg play area