amazon store

amazon store by alejandro giatsidakis from colombia

designer's own words:

the amazon store, is inspire in the amazon , the lung of the world . the store divided in two, the first section takes the water as inspiration (the amazon river) the floor is made of glass an beneath it there is fish tank with all types of ornamental fish and plants, so the client while they are shopping may see all these elements ,also the displays for the clothe resembles the trees and in the sealing the clothe also hang from other displays resemble the foliage, in the second half is a wall waterfall in the back and a small tree surrounded by a circle sofa next to the changing room, the floor is a deck ,the idea for this store is to traduce the beauty of the amazon in a commercial place and also produce awareness to take care of the amazon.

store overall glass floor fish tank

copy_1587_2.jpg store wall waterfall

copy_1355_3.jpg foliage and trees displays for clothes