amaranthine by Shanil Riyaz from india
designer's own words:
Often we have products and services that are related to the funerals and caring for the dead. There are people who grieve the demised, for whom there are no dedicated products.
"Amaranthine" (an imaginary flower in Greek mythology that never fades) cares for the dead and the people who have lost the person. Designed as a classy clock form factor it has components that indicate the birthday, the Amaranthine age – the years counted from the time of death, a dial for the month and a large main dial which shows the time. The time, date and age of the demised are fed to these time indicators and the Amaranthine starts living from the time the person is departed. The device is designed around the concept of soul – immortal, pure energy, glowing and unique. Working with the energy from light, this brings a sense of immortality to it, and the embedded floral pattern in the main dial – Amaranthine Afterglow – self illuminates during significant dates, bringing the glow often associated with the soul and bringing the presence of the person. The device also has a media storage unit, which is accessible via apps, helping to access treasured memories of the demised through his pictures, favourite music, soundbites, videos etc. The media unit is attached to an integrated speaker as well for play back which brings the device alive and has a separate charging unit. Once allocated for a person, this cannot be altered, and therefore remains unique for the rest of the time. The design as a classic makes this fit into a wall space of a house quite well.
Amaranthine – an imaginary flower in Greek mythology that never fadesThe components
The Afterglow
An interactive device
Ornamental possession
Unique ~ Forever in Time