alux - Precision Farming Assistant

alux - Precision Farming Assistant by Eric HInz from germany

designer's own words:

animation on youtube:

We are facing big challenges in agriculture. World population continues to grow rapidly , agricultural areas are receding and conventional agriculture is causing environmental overload. If we want to solve these problems we have to be more productive and yet more sustainable.
Precision Farming enables both. By monitoring the field closely the negative effects of agriculture can be contained, while high productivity is maintained. Since the field analyses are clearly defined and repetitive they are the perfect task for a field robot.

Alux is an autonomous system that analyzes fields and plants and takes action where necessary. Its modular setup enables alux to perform a wide range of tasks – like taking soil samples, analyzing plants and even 3D-scanning them. The collected data is analyzed, geotagged and then passed on to other field machines. It enables them to supply the needs of each individual part of the field and helps employing ressources just where they are needed.
This integration is the foundation for a gentler and more sustainable agriculture. But detailed field analysis like soil samples are so far imprecise, time consuming and expensive. The field robot alux takes over these complicated tasks.
The goal is to eliminate the negative effects of conventional agriculture.

alux analyzing field plants
alux - Precision Farming Assistant
different modules that allow alux to perform various precision farming tasks in the field
alux - Precision Farming Assistant
alux - Precision Farming Assistant
model in 1:5 scale
alux - Precision Farming Assistant
view of the central module unit
alux - Precision Farming Assistant
design process