Also the tree wants a breath. by Jaehyun Bae from korea

designer's own words:

This work under speaking should have been boiled about coexistence of breath of the human being and the tree. The tree breathes with to be also the human being will be able to breathe, the human being as breathes the tree also wants distinguishes the thing a breath. Also the human being and the tree, the namely human being and environment is to relationship of indivisibility and must coexist also meaning is putting in each other together. The tree which frame inside comes to cut initially comes out and the human being makes the frame hold. And Do you want Breath? (You wants breath?) When the copy which is comes out and again the human being hangs the frame and the tree revives and is. From here the human being holds the tree and is the tree like also and under breathing and will be able to breathe this is distinguishing the coexistence characteristic of the human being and environment.

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