
alreadyfull by claudio bracco from italy

designer's own words:

An object can radically influence people’s lifestyle and habits. In return habits and lifestyle can influence guidelines of brand new product design. Within this vicious circle no one is aloud to cut themselves off from their responsibilities: producers, designers, customers.. everyone is involved in environmental problems.
An object is the connection point between consumers and the production/design industry, it has a huge power which needs to be driven in the right direction.
Providing a service through a product of design, doesn't concern only functionality and aesthetics. In my opinion it is much more, it is also about educating the audience: what I am telling to the consumer with my project? What will the consumer learn from my design? What kind of habits the consumer is going to develop using my product every day? For example, I don't want to let the customer think that is normal having a big useless plastic packaging for each product that later will be thrown away. This was just a simple example, but as a designer I feel the urge not to spoil consumers and create wrong expectations that will influence negatively the design of the next brand new product.
This is a historical moment in which we all have to stop for a moment and consider what we are doing. A lot can be done by consumers, they have the power to influence the mass production and designers have the power change consumer’s habits.

My project is called “Alreadyfull” (like a parody of the célèbre Louis Vuitton’s bag “Neverfull”), is all about increasing the sense of responsibility of a single individual by pushing them to reduce daily desk/office waste. A wastepaper basket, the bottom of which is risen and placed about 8 cm from the top. This way the most of the basket’s volume is unusable anymore, leaving just a limited space on the top to serve as bin, it will be easy to fill up in short time. Using such wastepaper basket the consumer will be constricted to be aware of their own production of waste.
The material used for the basket is recycled/reused paper, layered and strongly glued with a vegetal glue 100% natural, non toxic, very easy to produce. The layered structure gives the material a resistant and elastic consistency and the object is really solidly built.

claudio bracco – alreadyfull (empty)

copy_0_02_alreadyfull__filled.jpg claudio bracco – alreadyfull (filled)

copy_0_03_specifications.jpg claudio bracco – alreadyfull (specifications)