Alice see through by adi cohen from israel
designer's own words:
just like alice staring down the rabbit hole – we are all curious before entering an unknown space. we all want a peek; a clue to what comes our way. trough the axis of alice-the door handle runs a peephole allowing a look from the outside in. its design is inspired by the human eye, as well as the world of optics, ancient telescopes and kaleidoscopes. the handle is casted in brass with a hallow axis and the peephole is installed upon assembly.
the concept for alice came from the idea that the door handle is an object tying two different spaces on both sides of the door together. the peephole in the handle emphasizes this experience by offering a “preview” to the space you are about to enter.
this handle is suitable especially to public spaces where there is little meaning to privacy. it’s placing makes an opportunity to create an alluring curios view for the voyeur’s eyes only.
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