alchemy by viez gael from france
designer's own words:
Alchemy is a range of kitchenware inspired by the culinary universe of the molecular gastronomy. Taken from the classical kitchenware and from chemistry tools, the Alchemy kitchenware shapes are hybrids. All kitchenware can be used in complement of the other kitchenware.
Practice at present only by chefs in restaurants, the molecular gastronomy could be discovered by anyone at home thanks to Alchemy.
Alchemy allows indentifying and doing accurate actions like infuse or making an emulsion.
All of this kitchenware were design following a study of several recipes of Hervé This and Pierre Gagnaire.
Alchemy – Kitchenware for molecular gastronomy at home
Alchemy – Kitchenware for molecular gastronomy at home
Alchemy – Kitchenware for molecular gastronomy at home