air quality postcards by johanna vargas from germany
designer's own words:
The aim of my project is to show the quality of the air in different cities.
A very classic view of a city is through touristic post cards, that
traditionally represent a nice view of the city, they show monuments, landscape or artistics features, but never reflect the problems of the city.
As tourists, visitors or habitants of an specific location, people should also take counsience about the current problems.
My proposal would be to show the current pollution of the day in a specific city through post cards.
Emissions are changing everyday, then this could be visualized as different image for the day, and also represent the city from where those emissions are coming from.
Each polluntat have a different shape and a colour that is going to change according with the current levels in the air.
On the front side of the postcard is visualized the number of
current polluntants in the air in the chosed city.
On the back side, there is a legend explaining the number of pollutants and their clour meaning.
As well as espace for writting the address and for the stamp.
postcard information
bad air condition
good air condition